Virtual Guitar Orchestra #2
RELEASED: July 10th, 2020
CREATORS: Sergio Assad, Mak Grgic Uros Baric
EDITOR: Uros Baric
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Virtual Guitar Orchestra is a community driven project aiming to bring together all classical guitarists during the uncertain and tough times of the COVID-19 pandemic – everyone from students to amateur guitarists to world class soloists – in doing what we all love most: playing music together.
The piece Scient, Safe and Sane was composed specifically for this project by Sérgio Assad, one of the most prolific and recognized living composers for the guitar.
The orchestra is formed by 200 members from over 40 countries across the globe: 10 world famous fingerstyle artists, 20 world renowned classical guitar virtuosos, a bass player, drummer and 168 guitarists that have submitted their home recorded videos online.
Virtual Guitar Orchestra has been gaining worldwide attention, its videos and website have been viewed over 150.000 times and has been featured on many leading classical guitar publications and organizations, including Gendai Guitar Magazine, Classical Guitar Magazine (online edition), Guitar Foundation of America, Guitar Salon International, This Is Classical Guitar and dozens of guitar societies around the world. The project was also presented on the Paraguayan TV station Unicanal.
Fingerstyle guitar:
Ralph Towner, Peppino D’Agostino, Romero Lubambo, Sylvain Luc, Antoine Boyer, Joe Robinson, Martin Taylor, Miroslav Tadic, Thomas Leeb, Mike Dawes, Don Ross, Alieksey Vianna
Classical guitar:
Pavel Steidl, Jeremy Jouve, Pablo Villegas, Antigoni Goni, Fabio Zanon, Jason Vieaux, Adam Del Monte, Margarita Escarpa, Tilman Hoppstock, Fabio Lima, Kevin Callahan, Irina Kulikova, Pablo Marquez, Xuefei Yang, Brian Head, Iliana Matos, David Tanenbaum, Duo Siqueira Lima, Marylise Florid
Bass: Benjamin Shepherd