Installing WordPress on a Web server

Previous week: The First Steps to Building Your Website in WordPress

This week: Installing WordPress on a Web Server

Next week: Installing WordPress on a Local Server (MAMP)

The week after: Moving a Locally Installed WordPress (MAMP) on a Live Server

Once you’ve found a reliable web host, it’s time to install the WordPress software on your server.

5-minute WordPress Install
Whether you’re starting live or on a local server, this one’s a no-brainer. Follow these steps to successfully install your WordPress website:

  • Download and unzip the latest WordPress Package at

  • Create a MySQL database on your web server’s Cpanel. Also, create a new user and click Add User to Database (All Privileges). Note both the database name and user and write them down, along with the values of hostname (this will usually be called localhost) and the password of your choice.

  • Rename the wp-config-sample.php file in the WP Package to wp-config.php.

  • Open wp-config.php in a text editor and edit the details with your database info.

  • Move the unzipped WordPress directory into the root of your domain. You can do this by using Cpanel’s own File Manager or, better yet, your favourite FTP software. I use Cyberduck, open source FTP software for Mac. If you want to install the website to one of the preregistered add-on domains, make sure you choose the right root folder.

  • Run the WordPress installation script by accessing in a web browser.

Now you’re all set! You can log in to your website’s Admin area – – upload a theme and start building your website’s basic structure right inside the Admin area!

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