ECHOS Project 2013 audition and video

I’m happy to say I have recently passed the ˝Cross-border Echoes˝ Project (ECHOS) audition, along with 13 other musicians from Italy and Slovenia (audition results).

From 10th to 17th May we finally had a chance to meet, form several chamber music ensembles and practice our repertoire in Gorizia. I’m really excited about the project and will perform on three concerts this summer.

Here’s a short TV spot with a short sequence of my newly formed duo with flutist Zinajda Kodrič, that was just broadcasted yesterday on TV Koper. Jump to 20:30.

Besides, I’ve included a photo of an article about the project from our local newspaper “Kraški obzornik”.

Echos 2013 - Kraški obzornik


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