Connecting Metric Halo ULN-2 Audio Interface to Outboard Gear

In this post I’d like to show you a simple way to integrate outboard gear such as guitar overdrive/equalizer/compression pedals into your mixing process using Metric Halo ULN-2 Audio Interface, Mio Concose and Logic 9 DAW.

Although Metric Halo’s other products (2882, ULN-8, LIO-8) are better equipped for incorporating outboard gear due to a larger number of Analog Outs, ULN-2 does feature two Analog Outs (besides Headphone and Monitor Outs) that can be used for the job.

First thing’s first, let’s connect Metric Halo’s Analog Out 1 to your pedal’s Input. Next, connect your pedal’s Output to Metric Halo’s Channel 1 R1 Insert. The reason to route the signal to the Return In is to avoid using the preamp of Channel 1. You may want to enable Trim function as well in case the signal going back in is too loud.

Now, in Logic, insert an I/O Plugin onto the track you wish to send through the outboard. Set DAW 3 as Output (you may want to avoid DAW 1/2 for now as these are usually set to send the stereo signal from the computer to your ULN-2) and FW 1 as Input.

Next, open Mio Console and add DAW 3 Channel to the mixer (Mixer > Configure Mixer). In the DAW 3 channel, set Direct Out to Analog 1 (see the Screenshot below). Also, mute DAW 1/2 as well as DAW 3 and unmute Analog 1 to only hear the modified signal.

That’s it! Just before starting to record, press Ping in the I/O Plugin to test for any latency issues and you’re ready to go.


  1. There’s no daw 3 option in logic i/o plugin. or fw? These options only exist in in the mio console. Could you elaborate?

    • Hi Joe, sorry, this article is 7 years old, tested only on the Logic 9 version, I don’t have Logic X at the moment to look for a workaround. Please let me know if you find a solution, best regards, Uros

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