Recently, with the help of two colleagues of mine, Toshiyuki Kumagai and Takuya Okamoto, I have conducted my first Classical Guitar Shootout between four guitars made by world-class luthiers: Yuichi Imai (Japan), Bernd Holzgruber (Austria), Michele Della Giustina (Italy) and Antonio Marin Montero (Spain).

We had a great time testing these guitars! In my opinion the differences between them are quite noticeable so we all managed to get each guitar right in a blind test. But apart from that, I think each possesses certain qualities that makes it stand out – tone sweetness of Marin; tone warmth, width and long sustain of Holzgruber; “Damman-like”, condensed and charming tone of Della Giustina, absolute tone consistency overall the fretboard and amazing craftmanship of Imai etc.

Therefore, as you might think, it would be very difficult to determine which is best as each person will probably have their own favourite.

Enjoy watching the video and please tell me what you think – any comment, be it on YouTube or this blog, will be highly appreciated!


  • Super zadeva. Marin se mi najbolje sliši. Čeprav ma res vsaka zadeva svoje fajn stvari. Holzgruber mi je v bistvu še najmanj všeč, je ful direkten zvok se mi zdi. Čeprav najverjetneje sam pri temu komadu…..

    Maš pa žal premalo komentarjev za tako dobro stran!


    • Hvala! Pri Holzgruberju je po mojem največji problem to, da ima prvo struno iz karbonskih vlaken (Savarez) – mi je šele ta posnetek odprl ušesa in od takrat vedno snemam z najlonsko prvo struno (D’addario Pro Arte). Poleg tega so na posnetku edino na Holzgruberju strune starejše od enega meseca. Sicer pa nasploh ugotavljam, da prva struna Savarez pri večini Holzgruberjev zveni pretenko in presvetlo, skoraj piskajoče, tako da po mojem mnenju daljši zven strune (zaradi karbonskih vlaken) ne odtehta teh slabosti.
      Komentarji zaenkrat so, ampak večinoma le na YouTube-u. Ko bo več zanimive vsebine na blogu, bo gotovo tudi tu več komentarjev…

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